I had some suggestions of removing the link “About” and “More Options” from KPluginSelector and making them buttons. Well, the problem wasn’t trivial, but after spending some hours on it I managed to get almost real widgets on it. I think it works quite nice. Here are some screenshots, showing that it respects too if the user selected on “kcmshell style” that he/she doesn’t want icons on buttons:
<a href="http://media.ereslibre.es/2007/08/katekpluginselectorltr.png" target=_blank></a>
<a href="http://media.ereslibre.es/2007/08/katekpluginselectorltrnoicons.png" target=_blank></a>
<a href="http://media.ereslibre.es/2007/08/katekpluginselectorltrnoicons.png" target=_blank></a>
Well, I know english is not a RTL language, but for testing purposes I had to force the dialog to be RTL. Here are the results:
<a href="http://media.ereslibre.es/2007/08/katekpluginselectorrtl.png" target=_blank></a>
<a href="http://media.ereslibre.es/2007/08/kwinkpluginselectorrtl.png" target=_blank></a>