First of all, I really wish you the very best for the new incoming year.
After a quite long time on the making, KDE 4.0 is going out very very soon. The tagging is 3 days away.
As the “About KDE” dialog says, “software can always be improved”. That means, that what we, developers, are waiting for, is for your feedback and bug reports. The bug fixing starts from you, the user, when you report them.
We have worked very hard (well I joined this great community after the 4 series were _started_ to be developed), but this has been a really long way, not always easy, but for sure always wonderful. We are creating software for everybody, we are defending our and your rights for using free software, and we always be very interested in improving our software.
So, from what I see, 2008 is a determinant year for the 4 series of our desktop. In this year we are going to see an impressive evolution, never known before. I can almost assure it.
My very best wishes to our recently born desktop 4.0, and I personally do have lots of plans of improving different parts of it, what makes me dream. Really, is wonderful to have plans for such a project, and thinking different ways of improving it.
I am proud of being part of this community, and I am proud of being sometimes useful for the project :P.
As I said, I really wish you the best for the new incoming year 2008, and also to the project that involves us all. I also want to wish the best for Software Libre (Free Software), and for it to grow as never grown before.
As a side note, I’d love to say it: “They can patent almost everything, but they will never be able to patent my dreams”. That is 🙂