Still moving… in the right direction ?

16 Dec 2008

The more you get comments and the more you study something, the more lost you feel, at least where there’s really a few number of people that seem to agree.

This is what I currently have for System Settings, because I was asked to “columnify” elements. This is the first approach we can give, which consists on setting a grid, being its size the biggest width & height in all elements in the view:

This is what the current System Settings (in 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2) does. It maybe leads to really huge spacings between small elements because of only one item being specially big, because of its string. The other solution is to wrap the text at items:

I also have rewritten the way Dolphin draws the category, since it seems that almost nobody liked it. I want to say that accepting a gradient in Dolphin is a plain mistake from my point of view because of two reasons: performance and accessibility. Since I agree that maybe a lateral line there was not very useful, I have tried with this approach:

Update: as requested I add the screenshot when sorting by name 🙂

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